Socius Technologies

Entity Name: Socius Technologies Group Limited

Company Legal Status:

Socius Technologies Group Limited is a private limited company, registered in England and Wales with company number 12761776.

Company Overview:

Socius is a Fintech company, whose core product offering is their iCPPI platform which currently powers a number of live iCPPI transactions across Europe.

Head Office:

50 – 60 Station Road,
United Kingdom


Twitter: @Sociustec

Contact Info for iCPPI discussion:

Rob Smith
Company Director & CTO

iCPPI Platform Metrics:

Independent Platform¹? Yes

Live iCPPI transactions? Yes

Means of accessing platform? Licensing Agreement

Templated legal documentation? Yes

Hedge providers signed up to platform? Yes

Hosting solutions? Can be in-housed to licensee or a full external hosted service provided.

¹Not tied to any distributor or hedge provider.